Our services server has been migrated to a different server (also located in The Netherlands).
LunarBNC now acts as a leaf and is the dedicated server for LunarBNC users.
In case IPv6 connectivity is lost to other networks, connection to LunarIRC will remain.
First update since ages!
Since the last news entry some changes have been made:
A lot of servers have been shuffled around, our two public servers are (both in The Netherlands):
Titan and Luna
Today it is our first anniversary! It has been a year since the birth of LunarIRC!
We would like to thank all the people who made LunarIRC possible and provided us with a pleasant chatting experience!
luna.lunarirc.net and titan.lunarirc.net received new server locations!
luna.lunarirc.net is now located at Bangalore, India instead of Seoul, South Korea.
titan.lunarirc.net is now located at Sofia, Bulgaria instead of Alblasserdam, The Netherlands.
lucidchat.net now redirects to lunarirc.net!
We've disabled the penalty for nick changes, now you won't get penalized for changing your nick in the IdleRPG game.
We gave the IdleRPG site a complete overhaul!
You can visit our IdleRPG site by clicking here. If you happen to be on a phone, don't forget to check this site on your PC as well!!
The IdleRPG game is currently up and running with the new patches applied. You can join and play idleRPG by joining #IdleRPG and registering a character.
We are still working on the site for idleRPG. Check back soon!
Today we received patches for IdleRPG from Alucard (Who is from Lucidchat). Unfortunately, Lucidchat is closing down on June 30th, 2017.
LunarIRC's site has been rewritten in Node.JS and we've also changed our webserver and host.
Unfortunately IdleRPGs website is broken due to the switch. We are currently rewritting the IdleRPG site to Node.JS and this may take some time (~a couple of weeks) to complete.
The following server has been added:
This one of our long term servers that is supposed to stay for a VERY long time.
The following server has been removed:
The following servers have been removed:
moon.lunarirc.net will be soon replaced by a South Korean server, currently there are no plans to get an Australian server.
Casper donated the following server to LunarIRC:
The following server have been renamed:
The following servers have removed:
LunarIRC now provides BNC, the BNC is owned and maintained by Casper.
You can request a BNC by clicking here
Casper donated the following server to LunarIRC:
europa.lunarirc.net now supports both IPv4 and IPv6.
We've setup a SMTP relay host, this should solve all the email related issues our users were facing.
Casper donated the following server to LunarIRC:
The servers have been once again renamed to:
The following servers have been renamed:
LunarIRC site is live.
Localghost has donated the following 4 servers to LunarIRC:
GNU donated the following server to LunarIRC:
We've changed our security from SSL to TLS and have improved our cipher.
LunarIRC has been launched! We currently have two servers:
Join us via our round-robin: irc.lunarirc.net