
LunarIRC is now available on Telegram

Join us

You can join the LunarIRC group on Telegram by using the following Telegram share link:

Make sure to read the rules before joining us on Telegram.


To keep things nice and appropriate we have the following rules in place:

  • No Spamming this means typing random nonsense. To avoid spam you can only send one sticker, meme every two hours, the bot takes care of this so you don't have to worry about it.
  • No flooding sending more than 5 messages in the space of 3 seconds is considered flooding. Try to keep your sentence on 1 line.
  • No personal attacks swearing is fine, but no direct or indirect personal attacks.
  • No racism direct or indirect racism will not be tolerated.
  • No nude or sexual content do not send nude or sexual content. Doing so will get you banned from the group permanently.
  • No impersonation do not impersonate other users. This means pretending to be them.
  • Use common sense attempting to find loopholes in the rules won’t work. Doing so in bad faith can get you banned. If you’re not sure if you can say or do something, you probably can’t. Ask an admin if you’re not sure.
  • Be nice to everyone always be nice to others. If you are nice to people, you can expect them to be nice to you as well. If someone is really bothering you can report them to one of the admins.

#telegram channel

#telegram is our Telegram relay channel at LunarIRC. All messages sent to the Telegram group can also be read at #telegram channel on LunarIRC. It is also possible to send messages to the Telegram group from the #telegram channel however this requires setting up a relay nick first.

It's also possible to indicate different types of users at the #telegram channel.

🌟 before the name indicates that the user is the creator of the Telegram group.

⭐ before the name indicates that the user is an admin at the Telegram group.

✨ before the name indicates that the user has relay nick set.

💩 before the name indicates that the user has no relay nick set.

🤖 before the name indicates that the user is a bot.

Relay nick

A relay nick allows you to send messages to our Telegram group from the #telegram channel on IRC. Since all the messages from our Telegram group get sent to the #telegram channel it also hides the realname you use on Telegram from the people in the #telegram channel.

Setting up a relay nick

To setup a relay nick follow these steps:

  1. You need to join our Telegram group.
  2. Send a message to @lunarirc_relaybot on Telegram with the message: /start
  3. Go to the LunarIRC group on Telegram and type /setrelaynick@lunarirc_relaybot
  4. Node bot on Telegram should now message you with instructions, follow those instructions to setup a relay nick.
  5. After following Node bot's instructions, you can type /getrelaynick@lunarirc_relaybot to see if your relay nick has been set successfully.

Removing relay nick

Relay nick can be removed by typing the following command at the LunarIRC group on Telegram:
